Aequilibrium Employee Spotlight Series

3 min readMay 19, 2021


Part 1: Meet Abolfazl Tanha

Hello World!

What’s it like to work at Aequilibrium, you ask? Well, we heard you and invited our own people to answer your question.

We had a chat with some of our passionate, tenacious, and innovative team members and we are eager to share these valuable conversations!

Stay tuned because we will share some great stuff and great people every week!

Let’s get to it, shall we?

Abolfazl Tanha (aka Fazl) | Senior XR Developer

Today, you’ll meet Abolfazl, our Senior XR Developer. He recently joined the company all the way from Istanbul, Turkey! Yes, that’s right — he’s more than 5,000 miles away from us but Aequilibrium will support him in relocating to Canada in the future!

“At Aequilibrium I have everything I need! It’s a big family!”

Fazl, his VR headset and green screen in the middle of his apartment!

First things first, why did you want to work at Aequilibrium?

I prefer to work in a company that works in different fields, especially with mobile and web. When it comes to XR Development, I need to deal with different aspects of technologies, and at Aequilibrium I have everything I need!

As a Senior XR Developer, what’s your typical day like?

Due to the pandemic, I’ve been working from home. Everyday I start work in the Pacific Time Zone because I’m currently in Istanbul. It’s kind of funny to see Turkish people ending their work in the afternoon while I’m starting! The XR team is new and we’re working on research and development tasks to work on some new projects.

Fazl and his new friend on the first day of a VR project for the Turkish Basketball Federation

What’s the most rewarding part about working here?

The most rewarding part is to work with a team that’s “alive”! This is a big asset. At Aequilibrium, our team has a great relationship and this helps everyone with daily tasks, fixing problems, and growing quickly. Aequilibrium is a big technical family, all tech people have great worth. Each team member has their own expertise and I have many things to learn from them.

How is your current job different from previous jobs you’ve had?

Management respects the team’s opinions. It is really a big difference because this creates an interactive atmosphere within our team. Also, the quality of our meetings. In most technical meetings elsewhere, one person speaks and the others listen. But in our technical meetings, everyone listens and everyone speaks. I have the chance to express my opinions and ideas, and that’s the root for any growth.

Fazl in his home taking an online course in GPS in Augmented Reality

How would you describe us?

A big family! I feel comfortable in this family and it’s such a positive atmosphere at Aequilibrium.

You can also read this article on our AEQ blog.

Interested in joining the Aequilibrium team?

Check out our Careers Page and don’t forget to stay social with us!

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Aequilibrium is a digital consultancy focused on product design, development, and systems integration services in Vancouver, BC.

Since 2012, we have helped companies create award-winning digital experiences to help them grow and compete effectively while minimizing risks associated with digital transformation.

We apply expertise in retail, financial services, and health sciences. Using design thinking, platform, and data-driven strategies with an Agile approach we design, build, and run scalable end-to-end solutions for clients across North America.

